Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fashion Ahead of the Curve.. a success!

A big thank you for everyone who came and made this event a success!
Merci à tous les participants présents, qui ont fait de l'événement une réussite!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Fashion ahead of the Curve" - Program

The complete program (only in English) for the 8th Annual Meeting of the Affinity Group is finally up! Here is the complete schedule, hour by hour of what's planned on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2011 at the George Brown College.

Wednesday, June 1, 201

12:00 pm            Reception of participants
   1:30 pm              High tea at Spadina House and tour
      3:30 pm              Tour of Fashion area of George Brown College
      4:15 pm              Royal Ontario Museum – guided visit with Alexandra Palmer – Museum   ewfrsfadfadfadftextile curator
      5:45 pm              Dinner at Chef’s House - George Brown College's Chef School
   - Speaker: Roy Nicholls of AHRC


Thursday, June 2, 2011

8:00 am              Breakfast and Registration at St. James Campus
8:30 am              Welcome from Coordinating Committee
8:45 am              Speaker: Alan Gee – Partner & Chairman VLAMMO Worldwide – Social   qwreqerqerqerMedia
9:45 am              Refreshment break
10:00 am            Speakers: Jean Rivard & Alan Milstein – AHRC- Graduate Survey and    eaeaqereqrqeqeLabour Market Survey
11:30 am             Speaker: TBA – 3DTrimirror - Fashion avatars
12:30 pm            Lunch
1:30 pm              Industry visit: Parkhurst factory - Knitwear factory
4:30 pm              Speaker: Ann Calder – SAS – “Business analytics”
6:00 pm              Fashionista Cocktail Reception
7:30 pm              Dinner
10:00 pm           Back to hotel


Friday, June 3rd, 2011

8:30 am             Breakfast

8:45 am             Panel discussion
    - Seasons UV , Gerber , Canada Goose,  Joe Fresh
10:00 am           Refreshment break – 2012 Telio Competition presentation by Sonia Sarfati
10:15 am            Our Canadian fashion schools– Innovation
12:00 pm            Lunch
Toronto Fashion incubator - Susan Langdon

 1:00 pm             Raffle prizes
 2:00 pm             National Meeting 2012
 2:15 pm              Closing remarks

In hopes to welcoming you to this annual meeting!

For more information,  please contact 
Katie Parnham - Coordinating committee member.  Tel: 709-739-7623

Friday, March 18, 2011

Save the Date! Réserver la date!

" Fashion ahead of the curve"
June 1st – 3rd, 2011
George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario

Dear Apparel Affinity Group members,

You are invited to share in the energy and collaborative spirit of the 8th National Meeting of ACCC's Apparel Affinity Group (AAG). This is a group of more than 50 institutions and 150 teaching, managerial and professional members from Canadian colleges delivering fashion design, marketing and production programs. 

For our 8th Annual Affinity Group Meeting, we are expecting 40 participants from all of Canada’s provinces to come together in beautiful and exciting Toronto, Ontario.  Our conference promises participants a program of activities focusing on a range of topics including education, creativity and entrepreneurship.  In addition to industry presentations and workshops, we’ll have high tea at Casa Loma, a museum visit and/or a factory tour.

Registration information

Registration cost: 349$ including all conferences, networking activities and meals
To register or get more information concerning registration please contact Katie Parnham-Coordinating committee member-  Tel: 709-739-7623

Chers membres du Groupe d'Affinité Vêtement,

Vous êtes invités à la 8e rencontre annuelle du Groupe Affinité Vêtement de l’ACCC. Un groupe national composé de plus de 50 institutions et de 150 membres enseignants, cadres et professionnels des collèges canadiens dispensant des programmes de design, de commercialisation et de production de la mode.

Pour notre 8e édition, nous attendons 40 participants, en provenance de toutes les provinces canadiennes qui pourront profiter d’un programme d’activités Made in Toronto - Tant à découvrir parmi lesquelles cohabiteront pédagogie + créativité + entrepreneuriat = Fashion ahead of the curve”.


Coût d’inscription: 349$ incluant toutes les conférences, les activités de réseautages et les repas.
Pour vous inscrire ou pour de plus amples informations veuillez contacter Katie Parnham-Membre du comité de coordination -  Tel: 709-739-7623

We’re looking forward to seeing you on June 1 – 3, 2011 at George Brown College in Toronto to join us as we network with colleagues from across the country! 
More information to come including the schedule, hotels and how to register!

- The Apparel Affinity Group / Le groupe d'affinité vêtements

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome to our blog! Bienvenue sur notre blogue!

Welcome to the Apparel Affinity Group's blog!
Bienvenue sur le blogue du Groupe d'Affinité vêtements!

St. John's, NL   June 2009 
About Our Group
Created by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) and the Apparel Human Resources Council (AHRC), the Apparel Affinity Group serves the following mission: “… (to) provide teachers and administrators in Canadian fashion schools with a place and time to gather and work together to meet the challenges that await them and carry out projects that will improve the design, production, and marketing of fashion training programs across Canada.

Since its inauguration in 2004, the annual national meeting of the AAG has taken place in many diverse locations across the country to give all AAG members the opportunity to participate.  This event also offers colleges the chance to raise their profiles and enhance their reputations through unique sponsorship opportunities.

Stay connected for more information very soon!

À propos de notre groupe 

Depuis sa première édition en 2004, le colloque annuel du Groupe d’affinité du vêtement parcoure le pays en se déplaçant chaque année d’une province à l’autre pour donner la chance à tous de pouvoir y participer.

Créé par l’Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC) et le Conseil des ressources humaines de l’industrie du vêtement (CRHIV), le Groupe affinité du vêtement poursuit la mission suivante: « Offrir aux enseignants et administrateurs des écoles de mode canadiennes un lieu et un moment pour se rassembler et travailler collectivement à relever les défis qui les attendent et réaliser des projets qui amélioreront la conception, la production, et la commercialisation des programmes de formation en mode à l’échelle du Canada. »

Demeurez branché... pour le dévoilement de toutes les activités de cette rencontre très bientôt!

Christine, Judy, Karen, Katie, Mary, Sandra and Sonia
AAG Coordination Committee
Membres du comité de coordination Groupe d'affinité de l'industrie du vêtement